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Saturday, May 5, 2018

My Life Beyond

Been so long since I last written a post. Life, can really throw a curve ball and it seems as though they keep coming. My life beyond the journey, since the passing of my late husband. Oh how time flies by so quickly and things has changed in wink of an eye. My life has really changed dramatically and I must of admit that it hasn't been an easy road. Reflecting back through my life with Harold, it really does bring so many memories. These memories of our struggles, trials and how all of this seems as a purpose in our lives. But, never though in million years, would be in the position as I am now. We each go through different circumstances, whether it is dealing with cancer, illnesses or tragic event. We can certainly say that we all find our own way of coping. It is whether or not we accept or not and how we can continue on in living. I have truly been blessed and have no regrets. Nothing stays the same forever, it's just the way life is. As I ponder on how my life begin as a young married woman to; now a much older mature woman. I am so blessed beyond measure and was a precious moment in my life journey. I thank God forgiven me Harold as a life partner. Although, our loved ones are only borrowed for a time. But, somehow God's plan is always best, whether we like it or not and especially how the outcome of our trials, valleys turn out. We can always find comfort in God's love and mercy. As for me now, I can say that, I have really done well emotionally and physically. The memories are still there, but the hurt has subsided and I have found my way of dealing and coping with the lose.